update: 2024/9/19

いちにほ Ichiniho 《今日は何して遊ぶ?》 2024年 33.3×33.3cm 木製パネル、ミリペン、透明水彩、アクリルガッシュ、色鉛筆

See you tomorrow

いちにほ Ichiniho 《今日は何して遊ぶ?》 2024年 33.3×33.3cm 木製パネル、ミリペン、透明水彩、アクリルガッシュ、色鉛筆稲葉海斗 Kaito Inaba 《その4》 2024年 27.3×22cm キャンバス、ジェッソ、アクリル絵具、ぷくぷくシール
「See you tomorrow」 
Ichiniho , Kaito Inaba

OCTOBER 12(SAT) – NOVEMBER 1(FRI), 2024 12 PM – 7 PM
Closed on Sundays, Mondays & Holidays

Ichiniho, Kaito Inaba

update: 2024/9/10


「kawaii dakejyanai!」at PARK HOTEL TOKYO

ART colours Vol. 42 2024 Summer – Autumn Exhibition
『Kawaii』dakejyanai! Not only Kawaii – Exploring beauty more deeply
May 27 (Mon.) – Nov 17 (Sun.), 2024


Kana Minami, Manami Higashi, Ryoko Kaneta, Kyaraai, Mayumi Konno, Ichiniho, Haruka Kawazome, Tsunotsuno, Syu Kanesawa, NAGMO
Park Hotel Tokyo welcome guests with hospitality in the form of “arrangement”, one of Japan’s aesthetic values, expressed through the medium of art. As part of this initiative, we hold ART colours, a series of art exhibitions representing the four seasons of Japan. The exhibition from summer to autumn 2024 will be curated by MASATAKA CONTEMPORARY. Traditional Japanese aesthetic sensibilities such as "Wabi" and "Sabi" and modern aesthetic sensibilities such as "Kawaii" and "Instagrammable" are part of the concept of beauty that we feel about things, even though they are from different times. In this exhibition, through the changing seasons of summer and autumn, the classical sense of beauty and the modern sense of Kawaii are fused together, and the artworks reflect the Japanese sense of beauty. The exhibition space expresses the shimmer and cheerfulness of summer and the colors and serenity of autumn, and the changing seasons, along with the pictorial elements, make this exhibition a place that brings joy and smiles.
[Designed by] Design Studio PHT 
[Video Produced by] antymark annex  
[Organized by] Park Hotel Tokyo
《Lottery sales for the first day only at PARK HOTEL TOKYO》
DATE: Sept. 16 (Mon.), 2024 at 12:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Atrium 25F
All of exhibited artworks in the 25F Atrium will be sold by lottery only on the first day of the exhibition, Sept.16 (Mon.), 2024.
If you wish to purchase an artwork, please come to the Atrium on 25F of Park Hotel Tokyo between 12:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. on Sept.16(Mon.), 2024 and fill out a bidding sheet. A lottery location will be set up in a corner of the Atrium.
Please note that after noon on Sept. 17 (Tue.), 2024, sales will be on a first-come, first-served basis as usual.
【Bidding Policy】
・ You may bid on as many artworks as you wish. However, if you place more than one bid and win more than one lottery, you will be required to purchase all of the artworks you bid on.
・ Only the purchaser may fill out the bidding sheet. Bid submitted by proxy will be void.
・ You are required to come to the Atrium on the 25F of Park Hotel Tokyo during the above specified time to fill out the bidding sheet. Bidding by telephone or email is not acceptable.
【Winning Results】
・ Winners will be notified by telephone or email by noon on Sept. 17 (Tue.), 2024. An invoice will be issued at the same time.
・ Winners are required to pay the gallery (MASATAKA CONTEMPORARY) for the artwork between Sept. 16 (Mon.) and Nov. 17 (Sun.), 2024. Payment can be made by cash, credit card, or bank transfer. If the payment is not made by the due date, the winning entry will be voided.
・ Cancellation is not acceptable after winning the lottery.
・ After the payment is made, artworks will be received at the gallery (MASATAKA CONTEMPORARY) or shipped by cash on delivery after the first period (5/27 – 9/15) or the second period (9/16 – 11/17) of the exhibition.
・ Not acceptable to purchase for the purpose of resale.
・ Sales, payment and receipt of artworks will take place at the reception on the 25F of the Park Hotel Tokyo after noon on Sept. 17 (Tue.), 2024.

Kana Minami, Manami Higashi, Ryoko Kaneta, Kyaraai, Mayumi Konno, Ichiniho, Haruka Kawazome, Tsunotsuno, Syu Kanesawa, NAGMO

update: 2024/7/30

南花奈/Kana Minami 《Everlasting love》  2018, 27.2x32.8cm, acrylic on paper

Gallery Space Closed

日本橋のSansiao Gallery及びMASATAKA CONTEMPORARYのギャラリースペースを年内でCLOSEする事となりました。
なお、Sansiao Gallery Hong Kongのギャラリースペースは継続で企画展示致します、香港にお越しの際にはぜひお立ち寄りくださいませ。
ギャラリースペースのCLOSEに伴い、MASATAKA CONTEMPORARYの活動も年内で終了いたします。
Sansiao Galleryも展示スペースは無くなりますが、ギャラリーとしての業務は継続して参ります。
Sansiao Gallery/MASATAKA CONTEMPORARYでの最後の展示は「おしまい。展」と題して、11/16~12/7、15人の作家によるグループ展を予定しております。

We will be closing our gallery spaces at Sansiao Gallery and MASATAKA CONTEMPORARY in Nihonbashi by the end of this year. We would like to express our sincere appreciation for your support. The last exhibition will be held from 11/16 to 12/7.However, the gallery space at Sansiao Gallery Hong Kong will continue to be used for exhibitions, so please stop by if you are in Hong Kong.

With the closing of the gallery space, MASATAKA CONTEMPORARY will also be closing at the end of this year. We would like to thank all the people who have supported MASATAKA so far, and although Sansiao Gallery will no longer have space for exhibitions, we will continue to operate as a gallery. We look forward to your continued support.
Sansiao Gallery
ディレクター 高橋正宏

update: 2021/8/19

名称未設定 1

「ART in PARK HOTEL TOKYO Exhibition」コリドーギャラリー 26/27

Corridor Gallery 26/27 「ART in PARK HOTEL TOKYO Exhibition」Corridor Gallery 26/27 「ART in PARK HOTEL TOKYO Exhibition」南花奈/Kana Minami 《Take Me Somewhere》 2017, 60.6x72.7cm, ink and pencil on paper南花奈/Kana Minami 《花葬(一角獣》 2019, 17×17cm, 銅版画Corridor Gallery 26/27 「ART in PARK HOTEL TOKYO Exhibition」Corridor Gallery 26/27 「ART in PARK HOTEL TOKYO Exhibition」Corridor Gallery 26/27 「ART in PARK HOTEL TOKYO Exhibition」Corridor Gallery 26/27 「ART in PARK HOTEL TOKYO Exhibition」


汐留のパークホテル東京 26階回廊にて、南花奈の作品6点が常設展示されております。


TEL : 03-6252-1111(代)




Corridor Gallery 26/27 「ART in PARK HOTEL TOKYO Exhibition」


パークホテル東京にて、2016年から現代美術のホテル型アートフェア「ART in PARK HOTEL TOKYO」(略称 AiPHT / アイファット)を年に一度開催しております。
国内外の約40ギャラリーが出展しており、ホテル客室を展示空間に仕立て、イチ押しの作品を展示・販売しています。東京以外を拠点とするギャラリーが数多く出展しており、東京ではなかなかご覧いただく機会の少ない作家・作品のプレゼンテーションの場となっております。また出展作品は若手注目作家から、国際的著名作家のバラエティーに富んだ作品群をお楽しみいただけるホテルフェアです。当フェアに参加しているギャラリーの取り扱い作品を通年ご覧いただけるのが、26階、27階の回廊展示「 ART in PARK HOTEL TOKYO Exhibition」となります。いずれも確かな審美眼をもった参加ギャラリーから厳選された作品を展示・販売しております。あなたにとって特別なアート作品との出会いをお楽しみください。


Since 2016, Park Hotel Tokyo has hosted “ART in PARK HOTEL TOKYO (AiPHT)”, an annual contemporary art fair held in the hotel.


About 40 galleries from Japan and abroad use the hotel’s guest rooms as an exhibition space to display and sell their featured works. Many of the exhibiting galleries are based outside of Tokyo, making it a place to present artists and works that one rarely has opportunities to view in Tokyo. Also, many of the exhibitions are by prominent young artists or renowned international artists, resulting in a group of artworks rich in variety on display at the hotel fair.


One can view the artworks carried by the galleries participating in the fair all year round at the “ART in PARK HOTEL TOKYO Exhibition” corridor exhibition on the 26th and 27th floors. All of the works displayed and for sale are carefully selected from the participating galleries whose staff possess a keen sense of aesthetics. Please take this opportunity to enjoy encountering a work of art that is close to your heart.